Procedure of admission of members to the LPGA

Approved at the LPGA Board meeting on 29/01/2017
Minutes of the Board meeting on 04/2017
In accordance with Article 4.1 of the Statutes of the Society, any natural or legal person with legal capacity may enter the Society by submitting a written application.
In accordance with Article 4.2 of the Statutes of the Society, the decision on the admission of a member shall be taken by the Board within not more than two weeks from the receipt of all necessary documents.
In order for the Board to initiate an examination of the matter concerning the admission of a candidate as a member, an applicant must submit the following documents:
- a motivational article and an application (may be sent to the Society`s e-mail: ) with a request to be admitted to the Society;
- CV (mandatory description of guiding);
- a digital photograph (to be sent to the Society`s e-mail: );
- at least one recommendation from an active member of the Society (i.e. a member of the Society at the moment of submission of the application).
Upon receipt of all the necessary documents, the Board sends a copy of the Statutes of the Society to the applicant and organizes a meeting of the Board, to which the applicant is invited to express his or her opinion and to substantiate the reasons for joining the Society. If the applicant has not come to the meeting of the Board, the Board decides on admission of the candidate on the basis of the documents and information available to the Board.
Within one week from the date of the Board meeting, the Board sends the reasoned decision to the candidate in writing (by sending information to the e-mail address indicated in the candidate`s application).
In case the Board takes a decision on the refusal to admit the applicant to the Society, the relevant applicant is entitled to submit the relevant appeal in writing to the General Meeting of Members of the Society in accordance with the procedures specified in Article 4.3 of the Statutes of the Society. If the General Meeting of Members of the Society also rejects the request of the applicant, the applicant is not admitted as a member of the Society, and the decision of the General Meeting is final.